Terminologically it has been expressed that he name Milos originates from the pre-Hellenic word "viols", which later evolved to the word "milos" which mean sheep. The Cares and the Phoenicians are thought to be the first residents of the island.
The English archeologists Smith and Ogarth, in excavations that they first did on the island from 1896 to 1899 and also during 1911 discovered ruins of the prehistoric period that correspond to three historical phases and cover more than 1500 years. The excavations of the British professor Colin Rewfrew brought forward many new elements. The effect of the Minoan civilization is clearly eminent. During the 1400 up until 1100 B.C. the Mycenaean civilization made his appearance. During the 1100 B.C. the decent of the Dorians took place and the area of Klima was inhabited. This town had walls, traces of which survive until today. With the passing of time the previous inhabitants of the island and the Dorians were joined to one breed. Milos cultivated arts such as those of ceramics and sculpturing and come to know great prosperity.
During the Persian Wars, the people of Milos fought on the side of the Athenians and against the Persians in the naval battle of Salamina and the battle of Plataion (479 B.C.). During the Peloponnesian War, Milos attempted to stay neutral. In 425 B.C. the Athenians sent their fleet with Nikia as their commander to impose on the people of Milos to join the Athenian Alliance. The island was obliged to pay taxes to the Athenians. Ten years later with the exhortation of Alkiviadis, the second campaign against Milos took place. This campaign is narrated by Thoukididis, who in his work (5th book) included the fantastic dialog between the Athenians and the Milians, were the Milians pleaded for justice.
After two years the Athenians destroyed the city, killed the men and drove the women and children to slave markets. Affected by this event Euripides wrote the "Troads" judging in this way the Athenians. After the end of the Peloponnesian War, the Spartans saw to that all the Milians that survived the catastrophe of Milos returned back to the island. During the following years and under the rule of the Macedonians and the Ptolemians, Milos came to know a period of prosperity were economy, commerce and basically the arts flourish. During this period many well-known sculptures were created, between them is the infamous Aphrodite of Milos.
A bit out of the village of Tripiti, towards the southwest, near the roman theatre is were the catacombs of Milos can be found. Chiseled in a very steep slope, at a height of 150 meters from the sea, they are especially interesting as they are unique for their size in the Greek area. From the 74 catacombs that existed in Europe, Asia and Africa these are thought to be the most remarkable together with those of the Holy Grounds and Rome. The total width of the catacombs reaches 183 meters. Their width is not the same everywhere. In some places it barely reaches 1 meter and in other places 5 meters. Their height starts from 1.70 and in some places reaches 2, 5 meters.
In the catacombs 291 graves were discovered. In each grave many dead were placed. It is estimated that the dead that were buried in the catacombs reach up to 8000. Everybody that studied the catacombs came to the conclusion that there is another section that is still unknown and undiscovered. Today only one part of one gallery is open to the visitors, that of the second catacomb "That of the elders".
Georgis Kapsis revolted against the Turks and in 1678 they took him to Constantinople were he was beheaded. In 1771 the Russians made their appearance. Milos was one of the first islands of the Cyclades to respond with fighters and with the provision of money for the revolution on 1821 against the Turks. The first naval battle between the Greeks and the Turks on the 11th April 1821, took place in the waters of Milos. Between other things Milos gave the amount of 37.000 grosses to the cause for the independence of Greece.
From 1830, like all the other Cycladic islands, Milos was included in the Greek state. During the Krimaiko War, the British and French forces established naval bases at the port of Adamanda. Milos was also present in the wars that followed. During the 1st World War, Adamandas was used again as a base of the French fleet in the Aegean. During the Near Eastern destruction, in 1922, Millos accepted more than 150 refugees..
During the past few years Milos has been discovered by foreigners and has come to know great tourist development.
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